Virtuoso_Guitar_Puzzle_Quadro_lightVirtuoso Guitar is the full immersion project of Civica Scuola delle Arti for finding new guitar talents and for caring their professional startup.

Virtuoso Guitar is set up as a real multi-teaching master, including some of the most prestigious names of the world scene.

In the starting of the musician profession is also essential the knowing of "other" musical skills, developed through the seminars and technological labs, in which  you can approach the issues of Digital Recording and creating and producting music video clips.

The goal is giving soul and substance to the projects of every participant and to their capability to imagine themselves in the music world:

  • through the realization of record productions and video clips;
  •  providing them a number of important experiences and opportunities;
  •  inserting them into programming of recitals and concerts with orchestra in Italy and abroad;
  •  introducing them in a real network of musical contacts.



The candidates are pre-selected through their curriculum:  subsequently they will give a musical audition (short concert) and an interview in which they explain their artistic and recording project, possibly accompanied by audio and video excerpts, slides or computer processing.

A maximum of 6 participants will be selected for Virtuoso Guitar.

 Study Plan and Credits

The selected students, over the  12 month course, should further deepen the repertoire of their recording project with the Masterclass Teachers freely chosen among those involved in the project, attend the technology labs and at least one of the musical seminars. The Study Plan will be presented in advance at the beginning of the activities and will be valid reporting a total of Credits between 100 and 104 following the below indicated criteria:

  • Masterclass Lessons: 4 Credits per lesson. The students have to attend a minimum of 13 lessons; with a minimum of 4 different Masterclass Teachers; with a maximum of 4 lessons with the same Teacher.
  • Music Seminars: 15 C per Seminar. The students have to attend at least one seminar freely chosen.
  • Audio-Video Technological Labs: 20 C. The studens have to attend at least 80% of the hours required by laboratories.

 Productions and Final Outcomes

At the end of the course, each student will implement the digital recording of his recording project, following all steps of post-production, and will set its promotion through the implementation of a generic video clip and a trailer for the CD. So he must necessarily present in concert his recording project, performing all or part of the programmed tracks and commenting on his own research and idea, also expressed through the vision of the video clip and the trailer for the CD.

 Professional Startup

The best recording will be promoted in the appropriate sites, suitable for the trade publication of the CD. The best performers, selected through the results of the final steps and assessment expressed by each of the Master Teacher, will star in a series of concert events, including 8 recitals in Italy and Paris and a solo concert with orchestra: for all these events is expected the covering of the costs (travel and hotel) and an “argent de poche” for the performance. The Organization can give  additional prize concerts to those soloists who have distinguished themselves during the course. [divider]




 Repertoire and practice for soloist with orchestra

Total Duration 8 hours - 15 Credits Teachers: Claudio Marcotulli (guitar) Antonio Pantaneschi (conductor) The seminar is divided into 3 parts: 1)  Formal and instrumental compared analysis of the following 3 concerts (theoretical):
  • M. Giuliani: Concerto in A major, Op. 30;
  • M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Concerto in D major, Op. 99;
  • J. Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez

2)  Instrumental deepening and refinement of the Concierto de Aranjuez by J.Rodrigo (practical)

3)  Practice Session of the Concierto de Aranjuez by J.Rodrigo with Orchestra Internazionale di Roma (practical)

 Chamber Music: repertoire and practice

Total Duration 8 hours - 15 Credits

Teacher: Stefano Palamidessi (guitar)

The seminar is divided into 3 parts:

1) Overview of the chamber music literature with guitar

2) Instrumental deepening of a chamber music title proposed by the participant and approved in advance in the study plan

3) Practice Session of the piece with chamber music ensemble ad hoc



3 meetings of 3 hours each - 20 Credits

 Recording, Editing, Audio Post Production, Mastering

Duration: 2 meetings of 3 hours Teachers: Cristiano Poli Cappelli, Andrea Pace

 Video Shooting, Editing and Post Production

Duration: 1 meeting of 3 hours - Teacher: Giulio Bottini [divider]


 Audio Recording & Mastering

3 days at Blue Music Studio in Rome (recording) 3 days at MyTube Studio in Genzano RM (mastering)

 Realization of a video clip and a trailer of the CD

Shooting, editing and video post-production: 3 days, indoor or outdoor locations to be defined Production responsible : C. Poli Cappelli, A. Pace, G. Bottini [divider]


Registration fee 100.00    (to be paid together with the application) Yearly Fee        4.000.00 (teaching & productions) - in 10 monthly installments of € 400.00

NB Subject to the record companies and concert opportunities above listed, at the end of the project each participant will be owner of the Master CD, Video clip and Trailer



Applications should be sent no later than May 05, 2015 (to start with David Russell) or within the five of each subsequent month until the availability of seats: the application form is available at or can be requested via email to duly completed, the form should be sent, together with the curriculum and the transfer receipt of  € 100.00 made on the bank account titled to Fabrica Harmonica Musical Cultural Association, Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma, IBAN IT47S0832703261000000000678, via email or via fax: +39.06 .233201924.

For any further information you may contact the following telephone numbers: +39.06.97271671 or +39.328.3328689 or +39.393.9145351 [divider]


 Masterclass, Seminar, Workshop
15/17.05 Masterclass: David Russell (Scozia)
13/15.06 Masterclass: Judicael Perroy (Francia),Carlo Marchione (Olanda)
Da definire Masterclass: Marco Socias (Spagna)
Da definire Masterclass: Adriano Del Sal (Italia)
Da definire Masterclass: Frank Bungarten (Germania)
Da definire Masterclass: Pavel Steidl (Repubblica Ceca)
Da definire Masterclass: Pablo Marquez (Argentina)
Da definire Seminario: Repertorio e prassi per solista con orchestra: Claudio Marcotulli & Antonio Pantaneschi
Seminario Repertorio e prassi cameristica: Stefano Palamidessi
Workshop: Registrazione Audio, 1° incontro
Workshop Registrazione Audio, 2° incontro
Recordings, Post-Production, Concerts March - May 2016: dates to be agreed with members

La Civica Scuola delle Arti è una Accademia Internazionale di Musica che brilla per organicità e modernità del progetto didattico, per la qualità della Docenza e per l'ampia offerta di eventi.
Dai primi anni di studio fino alla professione, la Civica Scuola delle Arti garantisce una formazione di alto livello, incentiva la creatività e fornisce stimoli e tante opportunità di confronto: attività musicali collettive, esercitazioni, saggi, esami, conferenze, seminari e masterclass, fino alla produzione musicale concertistica con oltre
100 eventi l’anno, sia in Italia che all’Estero.

La Civica Scuola delle Arti è convenzionata con vari Conservatori per i Corsi Preaccademici ed abilitata al rilascio delle Certificazioni di competenza di tutti gli strumenti, con esami in sede. E' sede delle certificazioni internazionali ABSRM del Royal College di Londra.

La Scuola propone una completa offerta formativa a partire dai primi anni di studio fino al perfezionamento.